When we go beyond the limits……..
 ………something will always happen!

              Usually, it’s something bad.













I Told You So




Home page of,


Don Chisholm





Near Picton,

Ontario, Canada

   44o N, 77oW


613 476 1700





























        I told You So!!





(Photo and caption of a painting in a seafood restaurant in Lunenburg Nova Scotia – originator unidentified)






The photo above represents warnings from a flat-earth mentality hundreds of years ago – don’t go beyond the limits!!
But Galileo’s science showed us the world was round and finite - no plunging edges into the great beyond. 


Since those times science has brought us many technological wonders and growing knowledge of our planet’s limits to growth of human activity. Ironically, the way we govern ourselves remains rooted in flat-earth mentality – unable and unwilling to acknowledge our limits to growth in a finite planet.


The graphic below is a science-based projection to illustrate collapsing elements of human civilization as we pass though the limits to growth in population and consumption of the once robust ecological resources of planet Earth.













They told us So!!





Graphic is from a 2010 review of projections made 50 years earlier in the seminal work, Limits To Growth, an effort fostered by scientists of the Club Of Rome, and implemented by a team or researches at MIT.  The original projections depict future events when governments operate, Business As Usual (BAU).

The 2010 review is by the Smithsonian Magazine,











My career background is engineering. 30 years ago I became aware of the contrast between or government’s growth oriented goals, and our planet’s limits to growth.


I began to study economics, psychology, and a few other areas pertinent to understanding why, intelligent as individuals, collectively we meekly follow the titanic pathways of today’s governance.  It seems that we are locked in a form of paradigm paralysis with roots in human nature and a corporate/economic/monetary system that grew out of another era.


Today we observe and feel the bad things happening to Earth’s living systems as we move beyond, limits to growth, and into the chaotic time period our children and grandchildren face.  But governments ignore the sciences in continued pursuit of ever more growth in human activity.


During this continuing study period, I have written a variety of papers and articles as noted below. 


Below that is information on my personal background.












Recent papers

Most recent, Paradigm Junction, is a six section web-based booklet.  The first three sections provide overview of the roots of today’s fatally flawed growth paradigm and also suggest essential knowledge tools needed to build an interactive scientifically guided resource-based economic and sociopolitical system that, if implemented, could avoid the inevitable collapse of today’s growth-based corporate governance.  The chapters of Section Four provide details of one possible desirable future scenario, and how collective changes starting today could lead us toward that goal.


The Synopsis has been expanded to provide casual readers a more detailed overview and to clarify the intent of Paradigm Junction.  The intent of the Paradigm Junction Project (PJP) is to assemble an interdisciplinary team to create the skeleton framework of a socially, politically and economically viable paradigm. And then to capture the energy of the growing social unrest among today’s young generation who fear for their future under BAU.

   See – http://gaiapc.ca/PJ/BPG/PJ-Overview-web.htm




On the page of Gaia Preservation Coalition, there are some essays and presentations between 2000 and today.

These can be seen at:   Papers since year 2000 on the GPC page.




Not so recent papers:

Published Journals:
Canadian Association of the Club Of Rome (CACOR)
Various papers in this Journal,

 Note: (This web seem abandoned).  One of the articles is posted here

    Series 1 Number 16: December, 1995

     Energy and the Rocket Society: At the Apogee   




The Journal Futures, Butterworth Heinemann UK Volume 27, No.3 pp353 –

 362 1995 A Troubleshooter’s Analysis Of The Human Predicament


A 21st Century Steward’s Handbook

This 230 page manuscript had final grooming with editor, professor Richard Slaughter, (Co-director of Foresight Institute).   Prior to acceptance, about 500 manuscript copies we distributed/sold to a wide variety of readers.  A common comment from readers indicated this was “magnum opus” of the big picture Gaia/human relationship.  The manuscript was accepted for publishing in ‘95 by Adamantine Press of UK.
       But regrettably, prior to publication the company suddenly closed. One reader was Alexander King, co-founder Club Of Rome, who
commented on the book by letter.

The 12 sections are now posted in pdf form.


a-Cover-Index.pdf  Cover and Chapter titles with page numbers of specific discussions.


b-Preface-Intro.pdf  Preface and Introduction: introducing the idea that we all have a partial responsibility in the human predicament.


c-Chapter 1.pdf  The Triad of Energy, Time & Mass:  A general description of what the book is about.  Systems, feedback and dynamics are introduced as fundamental concepts of big picture thinking.


d-Chapter 2.pdf  How It All Started: From the Gaia theory to today’s world, very abbreviated.


e-Chapter3.pdf  Energy, Fuel Of Life: How energy relates to biology and civilizations with speculation of human carrying capacity if renewable energy was the only limiting factor.


f-Chapter4.pdf  Evidence of Gaiacide: Gives facts and figures on ecological decline as seen in 1995.  Today we have same as today, only it is much worse and human population has grown from 5.7 billion to 7 billion.


g-Chapter5.pdf  Evidence Of The Sacred Cow Syndrome:  Giving examples of how contemporary writers and society in general ignore the, in-your-face hard evidence that our human activity is destroying the fabric of life on Earth.


h-Chapter6.pdf  Anchored In The Past:  This section discusses the cultural, religious and economic bonds that keep us looking toward the future as if it were the past.


i-Chapter7-1.pdf  Human Nature Part One: This section speculates on our biological characteristics that prevent us from collectively coming to grips with today’s critical issue.


j-Chapter7-2.pdf  Human Nature Part One: This section speculates on our cultural based behaviors that prevent us from collectively coming to grips with today’s critical issue.


k-Chapter7-meditation.pdf  Meditation:  A brief section on leadership, beliefs and individual responsibility.  Introduced are 12 personal Gaia Principles.


i-Chapter8.pdf  The Rise And Fall Of INDCOM:  A brief history of Industry and Commerce showing some historical blips and the lack of systemic feedback with the real Gaia world.


m-Chapter9.pdf  Morality, Values and Other Considerations:  Summary of some elements of past chapters  and suggests such thing as, your right to procreate in our finite overcrowded world, is my partly my business.


n-Chapter10.pdf   Recovery:  Discussion of advanced contemporary thinking, and visualizing and planning.  A backcast (spoken from the future) describes an envisioned chaotic journey from 2000 era to 2100 times.


o-Chapter11.pdf  The New Story:  Brief summary and a personal note.


p-Chapter12-Letters.pdf  Supportive letters from readers of the emerging manuscript.


More  at Papers since year 2000 on the GPC page.



Gaia Preservation Coalition, an International NGO:  http://gaiapc.ca



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Personal background





The basics:
A 5th generation Canadian, I grew up on a farm near the shores of Lake Huron.  After high school at Goderich I graduate from Ryerson Institute of Technology in 1958 as an Engineering Technologist - Electronics. My working career has been associated with aviation, electronics and computers. After a few years as technical aircrew for a survey company, I moved to their avionics repair and overhaul shop.

About four years were spent at the Canadian Airforce research facility base at Cold Lake Alberta, CEPE, at first as a systems specialist on the CF-104 Starfighter navigation system, and later as head of maintenance of computers and other devises at the data processing center.  I carried out various specialty projects at the request of the site Wing Commander.  As a sideline project I developed an underwater locator device as a tool for commercial ice fishermen to track equipment moving under the ice. 

For 18 years I owned a company in Montreal, Quebec, that dealt in aircraft electronic systems, sales and service. During this period I obtained a private pilot's license. I spent time as Director and then VP of the Canadian Region, branch of the Aircraft Electronics Association.  During those years I took on maintenance contracts for then leading-edge digital data processing equipment associated with engineering drafting.

After returning to Ontario, I had a lead role in design of a line of computerized test equipment, and then in marketing the product to airlines of the world.  This product line, the IRIS2000 Series, is still being marketed.  

My last for-pay job was with the Federal Government as Inspector in Air Regulation.  This job involved quality assurance systems audit of corporations involved in manufacturing or maintenance of aircraft and their components.

After retiring at the end of 1999, we moved from Toronto to a rural setting near the town of Picton, in Prince Edward County, a peninsula that, on a map, appears as an appendage into the Eastern end of Lake Ontario. 

Here I co-founded a local group, the http://countysustainability.ca

We have a bi-weekly column in a local weekly newspaper: I write some of the articles on sustainability related issues. 

Further details at:  http://gaiapc.ca/PJ/BPG/1e-BioOfWriter.htm



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